Turning Pro

Everybody says your images are great and now you want to earn some money with your camera, but where do you start? Well, how about right here? Join GreatPhotography on September 22 & 29, 2022 for a webinar dedicated to exploring what it takes to turn pro whether you want a little income to pay for your hobby or you want a whole new career. Either way, once you leave the hobby behind there are a lot of things to consider.

Turning Pro (Webinar)
September 22 & 29, 2022

Business Operations

We'll discuss the legal issues you'll face when earning money with your camera and our first stop is in how you legally establish yourself as a business. Uncle Sam and your state are keenly interested in what you’re doing and it's best not to get crosswise with them. We look at federal and state tax laws that effect your business.

You'll also be faced with issues involving copyright and contracts - including model and property releases.

As part of the webinar, you'll receive lots of helpful business resources. Included is a listing of suggested accounts to track your income and expenses and an outline explaining Business structures. There are white papers on IRS regulations that include differentiating a hobby and a business, and record keeping guidelines that include what to keep and for how long.

And yes, we'll talk about pricing your services so that you can grow your business and value yourself properly.


We'll look at what you need to consider when making a plan. There are Business Plans, Marketing Plans, and much more. As part of the webinar, you'll get outlines of a Business Plan and a Marketing Plan ready to be customized to your business.


The most successful people in business identify helpful resources – and they use them. We'll talk about what resources you'll want to look for and how to take advantage of them for your success.

This is a live webinar, and your host is Master Photographer Rob Hull. Rob is a Certified Professional Photographer and has taught photography for 24 years. He’s currently the President of the Dallas Professional Photographers Association.