Canon Advanced User Workshop

GreatPhotography presents a very special photography workshop that’s laser-focused on Canon DSLR and Mirrorless camera users. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned professional or an aspiring amateur; you will discover more than you ever thought possible.

Today's complex camera systems benefit the experienced photographer, helping bring extremely challenging images to life. But these benefits come at a cost, an increased complexity that can often spell disaster for the unprepared photographer.

With an emphasis on the newer mirrorless technology, you’ll explore all of your camera’s major systems. Don’t expect any fluff. This isn’t a marketing pitch. This is intensive learning about the camera system that you know and love.

We dig deep into the focusing systems to ensure you know the best settings and techniques to get the sharpest images possible. Explore the exposure systems - even when using a flash. We’ll even talk about the future of photography and how these systems are evolving, and where they may be headed.

Discover all the new technology deep within your camera’s lenses and understand how it can help you create stunning images. You’ll figure out why Canon changed the lens mount on the new R series. A monumental step replacing the EF mount that was introduced to support electronics in 1987. But this change brings monumental improvements, all while protecting your investment in EF glass.

Tony and Rob are joined by Bob Malish, our topic expert from Canon. Bob is one of those guys that travel the world supporting professional photographers assigned to events like the Superbowl, Olympics, and Formula 1 races. He helps them capture iconic images of world-class athletes, and he can help you capture incredible images of Uncle Louie.